Xdeep értesítés az NX700 első lépcső tulajdonosok számára

Xdeep értesítés az NX700 első lépcső tulajdonosok számára

Az Xdeep búvár felszereléskeet gyártó cég értesíti az Xdeep NX700 első lépcső tulajdonosokat egy alkatrész minőségi problémára.

Ha rendelkezel ilyen felszereléssel, akkor feltétlenül kattints a linkre és olvasd el a cég teljes információját.

NX700 breathing regulators first stage obligatory maintenance
NX700 scuba breathing regulators are made in Italy by a manufacturer with many years of experience in this type of product. Before market launch, they have been extensively tested during many months of rigorous tests in extremely demanding conditions.
Unfortunately, during standard yearly maintenance of the NX700 1st stages, in few cases, we have
detected traces of above-standard signs of the wear of the membrane.
We have not detected nor received any notifications about any actual failure or abnormalities caused by the wear as mentioned above. It is hard for us to clearly determine if this type of minimal wear can have a negative impact on the working use of the regulator. Nevertheless, we have decided to update all NX700 first stages to the newest available version, where any chances of the mentioned abnormalities have been completely eliminated.
Products falling under this maintenance recall
All NX700 1st stages manufactured between May 2019 and November 2021 are subject to this
maintenance recall. The manufacturing date is clearly indicated above the LP port on the unit's body.
What should you do if you are an NX700 1st stage owner?
If you own an NX700 regulator, please check the serial number on the body:
The first four digits identify the year and month of manufacturing (e.g., 1905 means May 2019)
If your regulator has been manufactured before 11.2021, immediately stop using it and contact your
dealer, where you have purchased your unit, or directly with us at Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát. for more
information regarding the next steps.
Even though we have not detected nor received any notifications about any failures or abnormalities
caused by the over extensive use of the membrane, this part's even remotely possible damage could
lead to severe consequences in the form of free-flowing 2nd stage or increased breathing effort to the
point of breathing becoming impossible.
For these reasons, please do not use your regulator unit, which has not been serviced by the authorized
service technician indicated by us or by us.

 Az eredeti értesítés az Xdeep-től: https://www.xdeep.eu/files/nx700_recall_en.pdf?fbclid=IwAR39ZgWjRwy88-7co_oTcaJp0gUjNk0H-aaBG0ONmwdLztLBPTApk64jLBY



Klub információ

Diving Sopron búvárklub

9400 Sopron, IV. László király utca 4.
Kapcsolat velünk+36 70 3704686
Adatkezelés | ÁSZF | Rólunk